Naturally Beautiful
At first it sounds absurd, but it's true: antiperspirants can be toxic. Even if you don't see immediate rashes from using a deodorant, that doesn't mean it is safe for you to use. Long-term the common ingredients of regular deodorants can have dire consequences.

What are these ingredients?
While there is a variety of subtleties depending on the deodorant, the common theme is metal. “I've been putting metal on my armpits all this time?” Yes, yes you have. The common metal is aluminum—as an ingredient it blocks your sweat. And, as it so happens, it stays on your skin long after its effect wears off.

Unfortunately, that isn't the only problem. Typical deodorants also include propylene glycol, all it can do is cause kidney damage. That's cool, right? Oh, and let's not forget triclosan, known as a carcinogen and can show up in breast milk. Mmm, mmm.

And these ingredients can have the effect of messing with your hormone levels.

So what are the alternatives?
Thankfully, going au naturale isn't the only option. Getting a deodorant that's aluminum free is fairly easy and should be an option at most stores. This is a crucial first-step towards detoxing your underarm.

While most deodorants which advertise as being natural don't have aluminum, they may have other bad ingredients. Looking at the ingredient list and being informed of what those ingredients actually are is a good practice. The best aluminum free deodorant will also lack the other toxic chemicals.

On the more esoteric end, you can get stones which work as deodorizers. Wet your pits or the stone with water, apply to underarm, and you'll be good to go. These stones can be acquired for natural health and beauty stores and will typically last a year before needing replaced.

One easy alternative is to utilize baking soda as deodorant. Put some baking soda in your hand (1/8th of a teaspoon is good to start out, you can adjust as needed later), add some water (1/4th of a teaspoon), and apply. Some people add other things to give it a neat scent; experiment around and you'll likely become a devotee of deodorant from baking soda.

Several things to keep in mind as you start. As you figure out what the best all natural antiperspirant for you is, there may be a period of time where you feel like your pits just seem rank. This is an unfortunate aspect of the detox process as your pits release the toxins that have built up. And every body is different; a womens natural antiperspirant solution that works for a friend may not work for you—experiment around and figure out which method works for you!

11/24/2016 12:49:33 am

ver well pos for me.


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